George Washington Lost More Battles Than He Won

Credit: MPI/ Archive Photos via Getty Images General George Washington embodies the phrase “losing the battle but winning the war,” because during the American Revolution, he lost more battles than he won. Despite some experience in the British army, Washington had little experience fielding a large fighting force, and the Continental Army was filled with […]

Benjamin Franklin Invented a Musical Instrument Used by Mozart and Beethoven

Credit: Print Collector/ Hulton Archive via Getty Images In the mid-1700s, while serving as a delegate for the American colonies in Europe, Benjamin Franklin experienced a popular musical performance — singing glasses. Intrigued by the beautiful sound of a wet finger on glass, Franklin developed an instrument known as a “glass armonica” in 1761. Working […]

Alexander Hamilton Was Captain of One of the Oldest U.S. Army Regiments in Existence

Credit: Drew Angerer/ Getty Images News via Getty Images Alexander Hamilton is known for many things — he was the prolific writer behind the Federalist Papers, the first secretary of the treasury, the creator of the U.S. Coast Guard, and the inspiration for one of Broadway’s biggest musicals. What’s less celebrated about Hamilton is his […]

John Hancock Was Accused of Smuggling

Credit: Stock Montage/ Archive Photos via Getty Images On May 24, 1775, John Hancock became the presiding officer over the Second Continental Congress. A little more than a year later, his signature became famous when he wrote his name in grandiose letters, taking up some 6 square inches, on the Declaration of Independence. (Legend says […]

James Madison Was the Shortest President in U.S. History

Although James Madison’s signature doesn’t adorn the Declaration of Independence, as the nation’s fourth President and chief architect of the Bill of Rights, he’s widely regarded as one of the most influential Founding Fathers. Madison had a large impact on early U.S. history even though he is also the country’s shortest President thus far, standing […]

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson Died on the Same Day

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, bitter political rivals and, at times, close friends, died on the very same day — July 4, 1826, 50 years after signing the Declaration of Independence. The two were the last surviving of the original revolutionaries who helped forge a new nation after breaking with the British Empire. During their […]

Chuck Cox: Lane County Jural Assembly

Chuck Cox of the Lane County General Jural Assembly in Oregon does a presentation on the formation of the County General Jural Assembly in Lane County, Oregon and answers questions that the audience has on our current state of of Government? What is the County General Jural Assembly? Why should We the People Assemble to […]

Rick Dancer Interviews R.D. Mitchell of the Oregon General Jural Assembly

Rick Dancer covers in the first segment of his show, the Greater Idaho Movement is one step Closer to annexing several Oregon County’s. In the second segment @ 17min 24 Seconds into Rick’s show, R.D. Mitchell of the Oregon General Jural Assembly is his guest. R.D. Mitchell discusses our current status of our Government. How […]