Our mission is to return Oregon to a Constitutional Government. A government of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE, just as our Founding Fathers intended and provided for. This is called a “De Jure” Government (“De Jure” – “Of the People by right”). The template and model that they created the Republic of the United States of America Government by was called the General Jural Assembly. The First National Assembly, in which delegates from each colony convened, took place in Jamestown on July 30th, 1619. On November 12th, 2022, Patriots in Oregon assembled together, and the Oregon General Jural Assembly was formed. This is granted to us by our First Amendment Right which states that, “It is the right of the people to peaceably assemble”. Presently, Oregon counties are forming “Petite Jural Assemblies” in order that all people in the state are represented. Upon completion of this final task, all the people in Oregon will have true De Jure Government representation and the unlawful de facto government of the bankrupt US Corporation can be removed. This same action is taking place in many states across our country.
De Jure General Jural Assemblies and Petite Jural Assemblies (County level) are groups of patriots that have a heart and intent to bring our state and our country back to a system of DIVINE LAW GOVERNANCE and CONSTITUTIONAL LAW GOVERNANCE – A government of the people, by the people and for the people in accordance with the Declaration of Independence. This is being done lawfully by forming county and state General Jural Assemblies
The United States of America: a Corporation?
The General Jural Assemblies were established in the founding of our country as the checks and balances for elected officials and government departments until the de facto government usurped their power in 1871. In 1871, The United States became a Corporation with a new constitution and a new corporate government, and the original constitutional government was vacated to become dormant, but it was never terminated. The new constitution had to be ratified by the people according to the original constitution, but it never was. The whole process occurred behind closed doors.
On 10/14/2020 United States Corporation Company filed Bankruptcy – Chapter 11 lawsuit. This case was filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, Florida Northern Bankruptcy.
A Trumpet Call
Through generations the de facto government took over all government positions and power. The De jure government did not go away, it just vacated its authority and its seats of-government. The people must assemble to accept the power – Of the people, by the people, for the people. The Supreme Court has stated “The de jure government offices still exist but the people have failed to occupy them.” This fact was made clear by Supreme Court decision in 1901 (Downes v. Bidwell). Once 38 states have assembled then our Republic is restored. Oregon has assembled, it is time for our counties to assemble.

Oregon General Jural Assembly Public Notice
This De Jure Grand Jury Finding of Facts that the grievances brought before this Grand Jury on this day November 12, 2022, in a Presentment of Declaration by People assembled in Oregon State, and find these grievances true and correct. Therefore, the Grand Jury finds that the People in Oregon shall assemble to re-assemble a De Jure Constitutional Republic.
Operations and Functions of the De Jure Grand Jury of the sovereign people of Oregon, a Free and Independent Nation=State
The grand jury is the oldest, most respected and powerful civil institutions of the united States of America, and whereas the concept of a grand jury dates all the way back to the Magna Carta in 1215, and was included in the constitutions of the free republics of Oregon and the united States of America republic, cir. 1787 as a means for the people to rein-in elected government acting outside the limits of delegated power, and when a government appears to be committing criminal and un-Constitutional acts, it can hardly be relied upon to bring charges and indictments against itself. It is therefore the duty and obligation of We THE People to utilize this first form of correcting the abuse and oppression of government that has turn corrupt and greedy. To correct the conflict of interest of lawyers being the majority seated in all branches of government and there by writing immunities for their criminal acts.
Therefore, We THE People inhabiting the land of the Oregon, a Free and Independent Nation=State, free men and women convened under God, having been granted by the Creator dominion over all the earth, to protect and restore the blessings of liberty for ourselves and all the posterity, do hereby invoke our sacred right to peacefully assemble, as memorialized in the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, cir. 1776, The Articles of Confederation, cir. 1781, the Covenant of Michigan, cir. 2010, do hereby establish this De Jure Grand Jury of the sovereign people of Oregon, a Free and Independent Nation=State.
This De Jure Grand Jury, existing by right according to common law and lawfully assembled on the free dry land of Oregon, a Free and Independent Nation=State, is not a part of the de facto, incorporated judicial system. It functions as an entirely separate and independent body according to rights and powers granted by the Creator and vested in We THE People by the Constitution for the united States of America, cir. 1787 as amended in 1791.
Formation, operations and functions of the State General Jural Assembly
by-laws of the sovereign members of Oregon, a Free and Independent Nation=State
Whereas, the assembly of We THE People being one of the principles most respected and powerful civil rights of the American People, and
Whereas, the concept of an assembly dates back to the early colonies and was included in the constitutions of the free republics of the united States of America, cir. 1787, as a means for the people to rein-in an elected government acting outside the limits of delegated power, and
Whereas, when a government appears to be committing criminal and un-Constitutional acts, it can hardly be relied upon to bring charges and indictments against itself.
Therefore, We THE People inhabiting the land of Oregon, a Free and Independent Nation=State, free men and women convened under God, having been granted by the Creator dominion over all the earth, to protect and restore the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, do hereby invoke our sacred right to peacefully assemble, as memorialized in The unanimous Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States of America, cir. 1776, The Articles of Confederation, cir. 1781, and the Constitution of Oregon, cir. 1859, and do hereby establish this Oregon General Jural Assembly of the sovereign people of Oregon, a Free and Independent Nation=State.
This Oregon General Jural Assembly, being formed and existing by right according to common law and lawfully assembled on the free dry land of the Oregon, a Free and Independent Nation=State, is not a part of the de facto incorporated bodies such as Political Action Committees (PACs) and any and all political parties. It functions as an entirely separate and independent body, void of affiliation with any and all partisan connections according to rights and powers granted by the Creator and vested in the people by the Bill of Rights that secure these rights to address Constitutional usurpations for the united States of America, cir. 1787 as amended in 1791.
Current News
Rick Dancer Interviews R.D. Mitchell from the Oregon General Jural Assembly
R.D. Mitchell of the Oregon General Jural Assembly is his guest. R.D. Mitchell discusses our current status of our Government. How there is a movement in our Nation to re-establish The Republic Of The United States For America. R.D. Mitchell goes into detail about the nationwide movement of the People Assembling and why you should join your Local County General Jural Assembly. There are other organizations such as the State Nationals and American State Nationals asking for your participation and why the General Jural Assembly and the Petite General Jural Assembly is the Real Assembly Of the People, By the People and For the People.
Chuck Cox of the Lane County General Jural Assembly Gives a Presentation to potential assembly members
Chuck Cox of the Lane County General Jural Assembly in Oregon does a presentation on the formation of the County General Jural Assembly in Lane County, Oregon and answers questions that the audience has on our current state of of Government? What is the County General Jural Assembly? Why should We the People Assemble to Re-establish our Republic form of Government. Topics also include Defacto vs De Jure Government. State National, American State National and what is the difference in the General Jural Assembly.
Oregon General Jural Assembly Brochures
(Click on the Image to View, Print or Download PDF brochure)
State Nationals is a ploy, a deceitful fraud to destroy our country and ruin the lives of great patriots. Don’t be willfully ignorant! Search the facts! Prove to yourself what path you want to take and what kind of future you want to have.
Obvious Questions:
- Why do I need to pay fees and File Notarized Documents to become what I already am and possess what I already possess as a Birth Right?
- Notary is a corporate function – Why willfully pledge permanent allegiance to the Corporation?
- Sign as a “Person” – NOTE Ballentine Law Dictionary definition of “Person”
- Can I vote as a State National? No! Unless you want to be Jailed for Voter Fraud (Colorado Nine) Title 18 US Code 911 (COLORADO NINE)
- Can I own Property as a State National? NO!
- As a State National do I have citizenship in any country? NO! You have no Country!
- As a State National can I have a US Passport? NO!
- On Application – “US Citizen” or “American National” – No State National! It’s a made-Up Term!
NOTE: When the United States Returns to being a Republic, States Nationals no longer have a Country!
State National/American State National:
- Term not Found in the Divine Documents
- “National” is only found in US Codes and are NOT a part of the Legislative State of Law: Made up Terms: State National; American State National
R.D. Mitchell discusses what hindrances and efforts are being done to stop the restoring of the State of Oregon and the Republic of the United States of America.
Learn More About De Jure and De facto
De Jure vs Defacto Authority
The original United States was in operation until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority.
The original United States has been usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than Common/Private Law.
De Jure – Existing by right or according to law; original, lawful. Common Law operates under De Jure terms.
De Facto – In practice but not necessarily ordained by law; in fact, in reality. Corporate Law operates under De Facto terms.
Sovereign – A real person. Sovereigns can own property while Citizens/Subjects cannot. According to the original Constitution, all government comes from the Sovereign Individual. Without the Sovereign Individual, there is no government.
U.S. Citizen/Subject – A corporate fictitious entity that merely represents the real person. It acts as a “strawman.” [To call oneself a “sovereign citizen” or “sovereign subject” is an oxymoron, since “sovereign” and “citizen/subject” are mutually exclusive of each other.] When asked if you are a “U.S. Citizen” on corporate legal documents, if you check “yes,” you agree to the terms of Corporate Law and unknowingly relinquish your sovereign status and transfer all of your rights to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION since you are now under contract.
Corporation – A non-human, fictitious entity. Corporate fictitious entities are denoted in all caps. This includes the names of Citizens/Subjects. Your fictitious “strawman” entity is addressed in all caps, i.e. JOHN SMITH, rather than John Smith.
Common Law – God’s law. Common Law and the system of De Jure Juries apply to sovereigns in disputes. In Common Law, contracts must be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.
Admiralty/Maritime Law/International Law – The King’s law. Deals with criminal acts that only apply to international contracts. Under this law, the people are no longer sovereign. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) that the United States practices is based on Admiralty Law. Under the UCC, contracts do not have to be entered into knowingly. Simple agreements can be binding, and as long as you exercise the benefits of that “agreement,” you must meet the obligations associated with those benefits. If you accept the benefit offered by the government, then you MUST follow, to the letter, each and every statute involved with that benefit. That “benefit” is the Federal Reserve Notes (U.S. dollars). By paying for things with U.S. dollars you are unknowingly giving up all of your Constitutional rights and are legally obligated to follow all of the UCC statues. But you were NEVER told this.
Lawful – A term used in Common Law.
Legal – A term used in the UCC which applies to Corporate Law.

Contact Us Today
All Counties are currently assembling in Oregon. Be a part of this historic event. Where you can be a voice of “We THE People” of your County. There is no cost, only your time which is a noble cause at that.
Click the button below to contact your County General Jural Assembly Coordinator.