History Blog

Sam Adams Might Never Have Brewed Beer
Credit: Justin Sullivan/ Getty Images News via Getty Images Sam Adams was the most influential member of the Sons of Liberty, a loosely organized political

George Washington Lost More Battles Than He Won
Credit: MPI/ Archive Photos via Getty Images General George Washington embodies the phrase “losing the battle but winning the war,” because during the American Revolution,

Benjamin Franklin Invented a Musical Instrument Used by Mozart and Beethoven
Credit: Print Collector/ Hulton Archive via Getty Images In the mid-1700s, while serving as a delegate for the American colonies in Europe, Benjamin Franklin experienced

Alexander Hamilton Was Captain of One of the Oldest U.S. Army Regiments in Existence
Credit: Drew Angerer/ Getty Images News via Getty Images Alexander Hamilton is known for many things — he was the prolific writer behind the Federalist

John Hancock Was Accused of Smuggling
Credit: Stock Montage/ Archive Photos via Getty Images On May 24, 1775, John Hancock became the presiding officer over the Second Continental Congress. A little

James Madison Was the Shortest President in U.S. History
Although James Madison’s signature doesn’t adorn the Declaration of Independence, as the nation’s fourth President and chief architect of the Bill of Rights, he’s widely
Founders Friday Glenn Beck 2010

Glenn Beck Founders Friday George Washington
Glenn Beck Founders Friday George Washington – 05/07/2010

Glenn Beck Founders Friday Black American Founders
Glenn Beck Founders Friday Black American Founders – 05/28/2010
Videos To Watch

We Still Hold These Truths
In a world of moral confusion, and of arbitrary and unlimited government, America’s founding principles are our best access to permanent truths and the best

Just Wild – The American Form of Government
When Benjamin Franklin exited the Constitutional Convention he was asked by a woman sir what have you given us his immediate response was a republic ma’am if you can

President Trump Addresses the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly

Monumental- The Pilgrims gave us a blueprint for a successful Nation
The Pilgrims gave us a blueprint for a successful Nation – Kirk Cameron Monumental is the story of America’s beginnings. Presented, produced, and starring

Revelation Dawn of a new Government. Dedicated to those patriots who join in defense of the Republic, so that we might again live as free